mardi 28 février 2017

The Rabies

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Rabies remains a widespread disease worldwide, responsible for tens of thousands of deaths each year. It is most often transmitted by dogs. In Europe, bats, which harbor different viruses from dogs or foxes, are particularly monitored. Rabies can be prevented effectively by vaccination but is always fatal once the first signs of the disease are declared.

Symptoms :

The rabies virus is neurotropic: it infects the nervous system and affects its functioning.
It does not cause physically visible lesions in the brain but disrupts neurons, especially those that regulate rhythmic functioning such as cardiac activity or breathing. After a few days to a few months of incubation, the affected individual develops a table of encephalitis. The symptomatic phase often starts with dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) and various neuropsychiatric disorders, including anxiety and agitation. Hydrophobia is sometimes present. The evolution is towards coma and death (often by respiratory arrest) in a few days to a few weeks. The outcome is always fatal when the disease is declared.

Treatment :

Preventive treatment of rabies following exposure begins with nonspecific treatment: wound cleansing, antisepsis (antibiotherapy and tetanus immunity control are also recommended following a bite). Post-exposure prophylaxis per se includes vaccination and antirabies in some cases, and should be done as soon as possible after exposure, before the onset of the first symptoms, which is inexorably fatal. This prophylaxis consists of 4 or 5 intramuscular injections distributed over a month and is well tolerated.

to read more about :   click here

mercredi 8 février 2017

Pitbull Allergies

information :
Male Weight :     17 to 30 Kg
Size Male :         40 to 50 cm
Weight Female:    17 to 30 Kg
Size Female :       40 to 50 cm
Longevity :       13 to 16 years
Origin :              United States

                   Pitbull Allergies

        Allergy-causing agents (allergens) are numerous: pollens, dust mites, dander, stings and flea saliva (most common), household products and even certain foods.

          It is necessary to carry out analyzes to determine the nature of the allergen.A diet based on hypoallergenic croquettes is advised.
          If the allergy persists, other means may be used, including skin tests or blood tests.There is also the so-called "selective diet" method with the reintroduction of usual foods as allergens are identified.
         It is also possible to desensitize. This method now well controlled seems to give good results.

     Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pitbull chien maladie"   Allergy can manifest itself episodically or permanently in typical areas:
- for the head: chops, ears, eye contour.

- for the body: legs and croup
       At the digestive level, diarrhea and vomiting are the most frequent signs.

     -  An allergic dog remains sensitive to allergens even after different treatments.
      -It is therefore necessary to avoid contact or ingestion of the responsible factors.
      -The identification of allergies however remains often long and laborious and requires a real teamwork between the owner of the dog and his veterinarian.

      to read more: pitbulls Revealed

                             -Accelerated Dog Training Health Grooming

                             - cookbook for dogs

                                                                                                          so much better

mardi 7 février 2017


           Résultat de recherche d'images Verser "pitbull chien"     The Pitbull appears towards the end of the 18th century at the beginning of the 19th century. At the time, of course, the face June Duty not to make bulls in an arena or bear Battles In the pit. Also those that later dog fights were organized, with the participation of the Pitbull. CES combat to death contributed falsifying the carnivorous image of this dog. When prohibited by the law of the ESC of the clashes, the course of the UN begins to be domesticated. Breeders chose him to protect their animals from wild beasts.
          Résultat de recherche d'images Verser "pitbull chien"    The Pitbull is a dog that does not have a strong body musculature and not very busy air. Its waiting file in relation to the body, it is quite short. His round eyes. His ears are semi-upright, straight.
             Pitbull can be subject to various diseases such as allergies and dermatitis. He is no less a dog. Requires No attention of the Particular report by its congeners.

to read more: click here

                                    Pit Bull Terrier tête

lundi 6 février 2017

dog's cleanless

Puppies have limited control of their bladder and intestines.
A puppy under the age of 20 weeks will be in need of assistance approximately every hour during the day.

Know that puppies will never sleep in a place that is soiled with dung, they like to sleep in a clean place, especially if it is confined. That's why the crate is still effective in teaching the puppy cleanliness.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "aider le chien àfaire sa toilette"

Here is a very effective trick to make your puppy clean at night: two hours after lying your puppy in the box, you get up to bring it out so that it needs its. When he has finished making them, he is congratulated by rewarding him with a puppy treat, wait 10 minutes out before returning him, then put him in the box.

Then 2 hours later  do the same thing.

In the night of the next day you can stretch the time at 2-1 / 2 hours, and at 3 o'clock then you continue to stretch at 4 o'clock and so on ... quietly he will get used to spending the night.

To learn how to clean your puppy, you should not:

Be impatient, brutal, scream, punish ... because your puppy can develop a fear and even refuse to do his or her needs.

Here is another training to learn the cleanliness to his dog:

                          Click here

                                                                                                      so much better

dimanche 5 février 2017

Healthy Food For Dogs: Homemade Recipes.

You're Shooting Yourself In The Foot If
You Don't Take The Importance Of
Feeding Your Dogs Seriously!

50 years ago, John Miller wanted to improve his dogs growth. After analysing commercial dog food formulas, he found they were (and still are) ALL loaded with unhealthy chemicals.
John developed better recipes himself and tried them on his own dogs... using healthier ingredients... 
He couldn't believe how fast his dogs health and behavior improved. And most important, he also he reduced his dog food expenses by 50%.

Happy with his discoveries he tried, over the years, hundreds of new recipes in order to see their effects on dog health and growth. 

From these experiences, he created dozens of amazing recipes that make dogs grow faster and stronger... without using harmful commercial products with mineral deficiencies which is the basic reason behind lots of dog's health serious problems.

Because John's recipes were so easy to do and so effective, multinational companies offered him tons of money for his recipes but they clearly asked for his silence!
Good for us, John is a man of principles and he always turned down money (no matter the amount) from these companies for his SILENCE! 

In fact, John wants you to know how to 
have a healthier dog, without spending a fortune on low quality products, or even poisoning it. 

Download the best 245 Secret Homemade Recipes
Developed and Tested by John Miller... Today, because...
Like John, You'll Get Visible Results Within 3 Days!


        Home Cooking For Sick Dogs / Safe Alternative To Prescription Diets

                                                                              so much better 

samedi 4 février 2017

Dog's Behavior Problems!

Dogs, like humans, can develop irrational fears and phobias. Dogs seem particularly vulnerable to anxiety when separated from their owners. Separation anxiety is expressed differently in different dogs.Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Dog's Behavior Problems!"

Signs that your dog may suffer from separation anxiety:

- Dogs become extremely distressed when members of the family leave them alone.

- Dogs can be hurt in frenzied attempts to let (jump through the glass windows, dig through the doors with their claws, break their teeth, tear their legs while trying to get out of the box).

- Cut continuously when the owners are absent.

- They become destructive and cause considerable damage (scratching and chewing).

Dogs like to chase fast-moving objects such as cars, bicycles or other animals, and often get killed doing so.

    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Dog's Behavior Problems!" The dog's habit of eating his own or other animals' stools, called coprophagia, is particularly disgusting to people. Your dog, however, sees no problem with eating excrement, and herbivore feces may even provide nutrients. However, various internal parasites also may be ingested in this way. While numerous theories have been advanced to explain coprophagia, treatment is the same.


Secrets To Dog Training: Stop Your Dog's Behavior Problems!

                                                                                                      so much better

mercredi 1 février 2017


In a recent survey conducted in the United States by, they investigated more than 2,000 broiler rolls on the market and only 25 brands were considered the best according to their criteria (meat as the first ingredient, without flour without soy or without Grains, no by-products, no memory (frequent or abnormal) or complaints from pet owners. Plus, the best secondary protein, fat, etc. ratio). The acquaintances in Canada are ACANA, Orijen, Fromm, Horizonte, etc. Foods of 4 stars and have meat as the main ingredient, have little or no grains, no byproducts and a low glycerol rate (reduce the risk of sudden energy spikes, reduce hypoglycemia in small breeds and reduce the occurrence of Obesity and diabetes). I can address those who have deplorable, but there are still more who have not done a study, especially the Quebec or Canadian local ranks. These are English speaking sections. I can send you my references on these studies and opinions.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "meilleurs food pour les chien"Lately What better market, raw food. They are the ingredients that must be fresh. Mostly ingredients are human consumption, but it depends on the companies. The ideal is to choose complete recipes in which you are not forced to add vegetables or meat supplements. During the time I was working with the vets, it was raw inadvisable. Why? Due to the risk of salmonella bacteria. Is it present at all times why we never saw cases due to believe in the clinic? Which is more scary than harm. Leaving the clinic, I matched the group of dog trainers. On the other hand, I followed another type of training during the last two years, where I began to see the beautiful results of thinking. Even some veterinarians recommend raw meat. The one that made me change my mind this is Dr. Joel Dehasse, the Belgian veterinary behaviorism that comes to visit us to give training in behavior. I have seen pictures of dogs in croquettes and cousins, the overall health benefits and that these were dogs that were rarely sick. More and more people are aware and advisory, more customers buy for their animals.

Articles to read : 

                                                1-althy Food For Dogs: Homemade Recipes.

                            2-Dog Food Secrets.

                    3-Secrets To Dog Training: Stop Your Dog's Behavior Problems!

                                                                                                              so much better