mardi 31 janvier 2017

Breed dogs or crossbred dogs?

Choosing to adopt a purebred dog instead of a cross or a bastard actually depends on the role the dog can play in the home. If the pet is for a clearly defined job (hunting, keeping, sled ...) or simply to canine exhibits, it is best for owners to turn to a dog breed. However, if the dog is just an everyday companion, a mixed breed dog will fit equally well to the expectations of its breeders a dog breed.

Bear in mind that crossbred dogs are less expensive to buy purebred dogs, but are animals that can not certify the origin of the parent versus purebred dog. Therefore, adopting a mongrel puppy, you are never sure what you will look like an adult. In return, mongrel dogs, also become obsolete so-called stray dogs are considered more robust and resistant to congenital diseases.

On the contrary, choosing a dog breed instead of a crossover will allow you to predict what will give your puppy as an adult based on breed standards.

This is a detailed physical description of what the perfect dog should be for each breed. These standards are used in dog shows and allow judges to determine dogs for physical and behavioral compliance. It is also a tool for professional breeders who use it to remove lines with considered characteristic defects. By adopting a purebred puppy, so you can get an idea of ​​the morphological and genetic abilities that your pet will develop.

However, the "negative" side is the fact that breed dogs have a much higher purchase price and are more likely to develop hereditary diseases that breed dogs. Finally, in response to a breed standard does not mean that all dogs of the same breed have the same character. Each dog is unique and built a personality throughout their encounters and experiences. Do not forget!
If this is not the case, then it will be necessary for you to take the necessary steps to ensure that you are in a position to reconcile the s. Síntomas realmente desarrollan la enfermedad.

If this is not the case, then it will be necessary for you to take the necessary steps to ensure that you are in a position to reconcile the s. Síntomas realmente desarrollan la enfermedad.

Read about  Dog Food Secrets.

                  BLUE Wilderness® Adult Dog Food - Grain Free, Natural

dog diseases

Some of these diseases are unique to dogs or closely related species, while others are found in other animals, including humans.

When it comes to diseases passed from pet to owner, ringworm is about as contagious as it gets. Ringworm spores can survive for months without a host, where a pet could pick up the fungal infection.
Symptoms in pets: Skin lesions and patches of hair loss with a red mark in the center 
Senior Dog Health Problems

Hookworms suck on the intestinal lining of dogs, causing a potentially life-threatening blood loss, especially in puppies.

Treat it : Prescription antiparasitic drugs for pets and people
Symptoms in dog : Diarrhea, weight loss

More common in dogs , this waterborne, one-cell organism lives in streams, rivers, and lakes.

Symptoms: Diarrhea
Rabies is fatal once symptoms appear in both pets and animals, meaning prevention needs to be an absolute priority.
Symptoms in dogs: Symptoms vary but could include behavioral changes, fever, hypersensitivity to touch, light, and sound, hiding in dark places, foaming of the mouth, staggering, loss of appetite, seizures, loss of appetite, sudden death.


Secrets To Dog Training: Stop Your Dog's Behavior Problems!

samedi 28 janvier 2017

dogs foods not safe

foods not safe for dogs

Unless you live under a rock, you know that chocolate and cocoa are completely off limits. However, that's not the only favorite snack of yours that could poison your dog. Other everyday items, like onions and grapes could also really sicken, or kill, your best friend. Check out this list of the most poisonous foods, provided byWeb MD for pets, for dogs and be sure you keep them far away from your pup's curious snout! These poisonous foods are bad for all dogs, but are even more extreme for smaller breeds, like shih tzus, Yorkies, chihuahuas and tea cup breeds.

Dangerous Foods for Dogs

Who can resist those big brown eyes and cute doggie grin? Can a little reward from the table or getting into Mom or Dad’s stuff really hurt your dog? Well, that depends on what it is and what's in it. If it contains the sweetener xylitol, it can cause your dog some real problems. In fact, there’s a lot of people food your dog should never eat. And, it’s not just because of weight. Some foods are downright dangerous for dogs -- and some of these common foods 
  Although the foods listed in the healthy category are good for pets, too much can upset their digestion or make it harder for them to eat their own food.

Don't teach your dog bad habits

For the most part, fussy eaters are made, not born. Dogs are smart characters, and often they will baulk at their food because they've learned that they can get lots of extra attention, and hand-feeding, by worrying their owners.

The really clever ones will also know that if they hold out just long enough, they might get offered some delicious human food instead.

To change fussy behaviour, the first step is to identify the ways you may have encouraged it, whether by accident or on purpose.  Alternatively, your dog may be sneaking extra meals somewhere – or from someone – else! A quick check with your neighbours, other family members and the rubbish bins, may explain why dinner is left untouched.

All you need to know about grooming and care, and how to train your dog to love it.

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