samedi 28 janvier 2017

dogs foods not safe

foods not safe for dogs

Unless you live under a rock, you know that chocolate and cocoa are completely off limits. However, that's not the only favorite snack of yours that could poison your dog. Other everyday items, like onions and grapes could also really sicken, or kill, your best friend. Check out this list of the most poisonous foods, provided byWeb MD for pets, for dogs and be sure you keep them far away from your pup's curious snout! These poisonous foods are bad for all dogs, but are even more extreme for smaller breeds, like shih tzus, Yorkies, chihuahuas and tea cup breeds.

Dangerous Foods for Dogs

Who can resist those big brown eyes and cute doggie grin? Can a little reward from the table or getting into Mom or Dad’s stuff really hurt your dog? Well, that depends on what it is and what's in it. If it contains the sweetener xylitol, it can cause your dog some real problems. In fact, there’s a lot of people food your dog should never eat. And, it’s not just because of weight. Some foods are downright dangerous for dogs -- and some of these common foods 
  Although the foods listed in the healthy category are good for pets, too much can upset their digestion or make it harder for them to eat their own food.

Don't teach your dog bad habits

For the most part, fussy eaters are made, not born. Dogs are smart characters, and often they will baulk at their food because they've learned that they can get lots of extra attention, and hand-feeding, by worrying their owners.

The really clever ones will also know that if they hold out just long enough, they might get offered some delicious human food instead.

To change fussy behaviour, the first step is to identify the ways you may have encouraged it, whether by accident or on purpose.  Alternatively, your dog may be sneaking extra meals somewhere – or from someone – else! A quick check with your neighbours, other family members and the rubbish bins, may explain why dinner is left untouched.

All you need to know about grooming and care, and how to train your dog to love it.

                                                                                                        so much better

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